How to keep cool in a UK heatwave

Here are some of the best ways to stay cool during a heatwave in the UK.
Hyde Park in London

The UK and heatwave isn’t a phrase usually used in the same sentence, but on the rare occurrence, the UK has one, most of us aren’t prepared and don’t know how to stay cool.

We’ve searched around social media to gather some tips as recommended by the public. Here are some of the best ways to stay cool in the sweltering heat.

Keep windows and blinds closed 

Keep windows and curtains/blinds CLOSED. Yes, this may sound strange, but the air is hot and so is the sunlight, so avoid heating your house up any further and keep your house shady.

Keep still

Keep still. If you’re hot, stop moving about and fanning yourself. Try to do nothing (if possible), your best bet is to sit on the ground, not sofas or rugs and stay still.

Avoid spicy food and alcohol

In a heatwave, avoid eating spicy food, cinnamon and alcohol. They make the heat rise in your body.

Hot drinks don’t keep you cool. Of course, drink tea if you want, but room temp drinks are best. Try not to drink really cold drinks as this can be bad for your throat. 

Be most active early morning or late evenings

Do the hard work early morning and when the sun goes down. Yes, most of us work from 9am to 5pm during the week, but on weekends, get any chores done early or late in the evening to avoid using too much energy during peak sun hours.

Use a cold flannel

Cold flannels on the back of your neck and wrists cool you down. As do cool showers (obviously).

Yes, we all enjoy a nice warm shower, but in order to stay cool, it’s best to avoid this and lower the shower temperature, there’s nothing worse than having a hot shower only to find yourself sweating again.

Stay hydrated

An obvious tip, but a very important one. Make sure to stay well hydrated throughout the day.

Sip water, don’t gulp it down. Apparently sipping it means you stay hydrated, if you take huge gulps it goes straight into the stomach and you wee it out. 

Wear your hair up

If you have longer hair, during the day wear your hair up, and choose to wear light/loose comfortable clothing,

Put sunscreen on before your clothes

Put suncream on every inch of your body BEFORE you get dressed, then you won’t burn around the edges of your clothes.

Suncream doesn’t work after a year or two, so make sure to check the expiry dates. Don’t forget to cover your ears, hair line and toes.

Reapply every few hours or when you get wet. 30-50SPF is best.

Have foods with high water content

Fruit with high water content, like watermelon, or ice lollies will help keep you hydrated.

Light meals like a salad is good in the summer because of the water content. Of course, eat what you want, but digestion uses up energy you don’t have – so eat little and often and light.

Use a fan

Fans can assist your body in regulating its internal temperature, and putting a pan of ice cubes in front of one can make the circulating air even cooler.

If you don’t have one on hand, fill a hot water bottle with cold water.

If however, you’re looking to spend a few days away in the UK,  you’ll find some of the best weekend couple breaks in the UK.



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