12 Do’s and Don’ts to be a Successful Freelancer

If you want to be successful as a freelancer, then there are a few golden rules you need to follow. After all, being a freelancer isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Being a freelancer involves you trying to balance work with your personal life, trying to promote sales and even fulfilling orders. A lot of people do this alongside their day job, which can make things even more chaotic.

If you think that now could be the best time for you to venture into being a full-time freelancer, or if you simply want to better your customer service, then this is the guide for you.

1. Do- Get a Contract

Every freelancer who has been in the business for quite some time has experienced people who just don’t pay. It may be that they were not happy with the work, or that they were simply running a scam operation from day one.

Either way, the end result here is that it is always the freelancer who comes out empty-handed. If you can, you need to try and safeguard yourself with a contract.

There are also platforms that keep your money in an escrow account, so as long as you are able to do the work as you promised, you will receive the payment for it.

2. Don’t- Trust Every Client

You should not trust every client who wants to work with you. Some major red flags are some who want to work outside your trusted platform. Do not trust clients who want to pay you through a different platform either.

So many freelancers have been caught out this way, and the last thing you want is to lose out on money purely because you did not see the signs. If you have worked with the client for some time, or if you can trust them because they are a regular, then use your judgement.

3. Do- Know your Worth

It’s vital that you understand how much your services are worth in comparison to your competition. Charge accordingly and don’t be tempted to accept low-ball offers.

People who tend to low-ball or offer prices way below stated are usually out for a good deal rather than quality work. It also shows that they don’t have much respect for what you do or the time you are willing to put in.

State your price, give loyal customers discounts, and always be respectful. If you can do this, you will be able to build a steady clientele base who come to you time and time again. You also won’t have to put up with clients who are constantly trying to haggle.

4. Don’t- Work for Free

Working for experience or exposure essentially means you’re working for free. One of the biggest insults that a client can possibly say is asking someone to work for exposure over money.

If a client has a big enough following that they can give you some exposure, then there is a high chance that they also have the budget to pay you.

If they do not, then this is a major red flag, and there is a high chance that they are either trying to scam you, or trying to get something for nothing.

5. Do- Set a Minimum Price

Some clients want to get really small jobs done, and the truth is that most of the time, it may not be worth it for you. This is understandable and there is nothing wrong with this.

For this reason, you have to try and figure out what the minimum amount is you’d like to charge- regardless of the project or job.

6. Don’t- Accept Every Job

Do not accept every job that happens to come your way. In the early days, a lot of freelancers get tempted to say yes to everything. Eventually though, you will realise that it is okay for you to turn clients away if you have a good reason.

It may be that you are simply not going to be engaged in the type of work that they offer, or that you are overbooked. It may be that you don’t like the way that the client is talking to you, or that they are being demanding in their tone.

Either way, it is imperative that you do what you can to work with people who you want to work with, rather than taking every job that comes your way.

7. Do- Choose your Clients

Be wary of clients who demand more than what you offer, or who do not respect your time. Asking for constant changes, extras, and more can be a drain on your mental energy and resources.

8. Don’t- Be Afraid to Part Ways

Do not ever be afraid to fire a client who you may have worked with. If they are a source of stress for you, or if they give you anxiety every time you see their message on your phone, then they probably aren’t worth the money.

This is especially the case if they are demanding your attention at all hours of the day.

9. Do- Track your Money

It is imperative that you know how much you earn, as well as how much you’re paying out in expenses. If possible, you need to set a date each month where you go through all of your expenses.

If you can do this, then you will be able to make things much easier for yourself when the time comes to pay your tax bill.

10. Don’t- Assume you’re a Success

Your finances determine whether you’re being successful or not. If you assume you’re turning a good profit without tracking your growth, then this will work against you in more ways than one.

11. Do- Eat from Time to Time

You have to remember to eat from time to time. Sure, sometimes you may find that you get so engaged in your work that you simply forget to meet your basic needs.

This is normal, but you have to make sure that you still take care of yourself.

12. Don’t- Forget to Have Fun

Remember to plan some time for leisure. It is very easy to get wrapped up in all of the work you’re doing, but if you don’t take time for yourself then you may end up running yourself into the ground.



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