10 Dating Red Flags Every Girl Can Relate To

If you’ve ever dated someone, you know the dating game can be challenging and a little bit awkward.
young woman looking bored

Everyone has their own set of challenges and red flags when it comes to dating. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, everyone has a different way of dealing with dating. That being said, there are universal red flags that every girl can relate to when it comes to dating. If you want to find out what they are, keep reading!

Here are some of the biggest red flags when it comes to dating:

  1. Constantly on their phone
  2. Has ex-girlfriend drama
  3. He only wants to hook up
  4. Dirty or bitten fingernails
  5. He’s super clingy early on and drops off the face of the earth
  6. Only talks about himself
  7. Being rude to hospitality staff
  8. A noisy eater

Let’s deep dive into why these are some common red flags to look out for.

Constantly on their phone

If you’re on a date with a guy and he’s constantly checking his phone, it’s probably a sign he’s dating you out of convenience.

This is a big red flag and a sign that he either has a poor attention span, or he’s just not that interested in you as a person but rather as a person who he can just have a quick fling with.

You should be spending your time getting to know the person you’re dating, not looking at the latest football news or, worse, texting someone else.

If he’s constantly checking his phone, it’s a sign that his phone is more important to him than you are.

Ex-girlfriend drama

If your date starts talking about his ex-girlfriend right off the bat, it’s a sign that he’s probably still hung up on her and not ready to move on.

A red flag as for all you know they could just be using you as a way to get back at their ex. Or use you as a quick rebound, and we’re worth more than that!

He Only wants to hook up

Is the guy you’re seeing often seeking to meet up at your house or at his? Guess what, that’s a red flag; it means he’s simply wanting to get dirty and isn’t mature enough to date or settle down.

Dirty or bitten fingernails

You’re on a date with him, he seems charming, conversational, and not bad looking until you glance down at his hands and notice his fingernails are dirty and bitten, enough to give you the ick!

If your date’s fingernails are dirty or chewed, it might indicate that he doesn’t care about himself or his hygiene and is simply lazy.

It’s also a possible sign that he lacks self-control and discipline to refrain from biting their nails, a reflection of the type of person they are.

Okay, this may not be the biggest red flag for some people, but you’d expect the guy to make an attempt to stop this when you’re initially dating.

He’s super clingy early on and drops off the face of the earth

If your date seems too clingy at first and then abruptly ghosts you, it might be an indication that their true goals were to have some fun and were most likely chatting to other people at the same time they were talking to you. Remove them from your socials and move on.

Only talks about himself

If your date only speaks about himself and doesn’t ask you questions, it’s a clue that he’s only interested in himself and is likely pretty selfish.

Being rude to hospitality staff

If your date is rude to the wait staff or hospitality staff, it’s a sign that he’s an egomaniac and is only interested in himself.

t’s a good indicator of how he treats people in general. He may be all smiles at first, but that’s because he’s still trying to impress you.

BONUS: A noisy eater

We’ve all been in a situation when a friend or family member is continuously slurping their soup, annoys you right?

If your date is a noisy eater, treat it as a red flag and a sign that he doesn’t care about impressing you or being polite.

That’s when you need to ask yourself, is the guy worth having to deal with this?

And there you have it! These are some of the most common red flags that every girl can relate to when it comes to dating.

If you notice one of these signs on your date venture, it’s best to nip it in the bud early on so you don’t end up wasting your time dating someone who isn’t worth it.



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