Love Island: Weird Rules that Contestants have to Follow

If you want to know some of the weirdest rules that Love Island contestants have to follow, then you have come to the right place.
Love Island Contestants
Picture: ITV

From the slightly strange to the downright bizarre, here are the strangest rules from Love Island.

You Can Only Shower Once a Day

It has been revealed that during certain seasons of the show, people could only shower in the evening. Spending all day in the sun without being able to shower? It’s no wonder that previous contestant Amber was concerned about smelling when Michael went to kiss her.

You Can’t be Naked

In the past, the villa was classified as being a public place. For this reason, no nudity was allowed, even in the bathroom.

You have to Eat at Certain Times

Contestants are able to make their own breakfast, but other meals, including lunch and dinner, are always catered for them and it is passed through a secret door.

You may have noticed that it never really shows Islanders eating, and this is because that’s when the producers charge up the microphones for the contestants.

You Can’t Know the Time

Islanders are not allowed to know their time, and their phones are all set to different times too.

Unprotected Sex is a No-Go

You have to declare before you go on the show if you have any STIs, and you can also not have unprotected sex. It’s rumoured that Kem and Amber got into a spot of bother when they had unprotected sex in the past and now the season has stopped airing sex scenes.

Scheduled Chats are Required

Contestants have to have scheduled chats, and they also need to be juicy. Producers have also intercepted conversations in the past and asked contestants to spice it up a little.

They have also asked Islanders to pull other people to one side and talk to them about how they are doing to try and get conversation flowing.



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